what is your narrative when you are looking at yourself?

Top photo is Zoom video without filter Bottom photo is with filterClick on the photo to watch the video of me diving into this topic a bit more

Top photo is Zoom video without filter Bottom photo is with filter

Click on the photo to watch the video of me diving into this topic a bit more

We are approaching a year since the majority of people have landed in the remote world. As the days pass and I stare at myself through the lens of the Zoom camera I often have a narrative going on in my head. I realized I am spending more time looking at myself than I ever have before.

Yesterday I shared on Instagram the following words:

Before each one of my classes I just stare at myself. Sometimes its just a couple mins sometimes it's 15-20 mins. I don't wear makeup for classes, none of my fancy jewelry and my hair is tied back in a bun. So, it's just purely me.
At times I can go to all the things "wrong" with me. I need a chemical peel, it's definitely time to consider Botox, why has my eye become wonky, this and that part of my body has changed, blah blah blah... But on great (more and more) days I can say damn I have come a long way, I can actually look myself in the eyes and say "you have come a long fucking way, you look perfect and it sure is not bad for 40"

An interesting thing followed. I joined a conference call and the conversation lead to how we look on camera. This is when I learned you could add a filter on Zoom. I woke this morning still thinking about this so I recorded this video diving a bit deeper into this topic.

My offer to you is, what are you saying to yourself when you are looking at yourself? What parts of that narrative may need to change a bit?


If you are on Facebook I have created a group called Fill Your Soul with Kim feel free to join the conversation there or go over to Fill Your Soul with Kim on my website, kimberlymadigan.com, where you can have conversations with others.

If these videos speak to you, you know someone these may speak to or you just love me and want to spread the love please share these posts and invite more people to join.

If you want to have further conservations with me one on one feel free to reach out to me at kmadigan@kimberlymadigan.com


All material and information presented by Kimberly Madigan is intended to be used for educational purposes only. The statements made about products, supplements, or treatments have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The information on kimberlymadigan.com is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own physician or health care practitioner before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, or lifestyle.